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Join the IALE Communications Committee

IALE is a society of scientists in the field of landscape ecology. Our community lives from exchange at conferences, joint projects and publications in the relevant journals.

As a scientific society, we also strengthen the exchange between us landscape ecologists through our various communication channels, including the website, the IALE Bulletin and the IALE Newsletter. To fill these communication channels with content and keep them lively, we need interested people from the community to contribute with their engagement.

Therefore the IALE Communications Committee, responsible for communication issues, is looking for new members to support our community in internal communication issues.  Our current tasks include:

  • the collection and dissemination of news and reports related to IALE
  • the maintenance of our website
  • the editing of the bulletin and newsletter

In the near future, we will be busy with a complete relaunch of our Internet presence - this will go hand in hand with the roll-out of a new membership management system - an ideal time to contribute with your ideas to the redesign of our central communication hub!

If you would like to get involved in the work of the committee or have ideas for the redesign of our website, you are welcome to join the Communications Committee by contacting the Communications Officer Bastian Steinhoff-Knopp


communication committee

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